Felix grew up in El Porvenir Atlantida, Honduras where after the sixth grade he was hired for his first job working in the pineapple fields. However, Felix continued his education and attended night school to complete his High School education. In 1996, he immigrated to the United States with his sister and resided in New York City where he worked in maintenance for many years. In 2000, Felix moved to Baltimore and continued to work in maintenance for apartment buildings and even as a residential “handyman”. After relocating to Maryland, Felix wanted to learn English to be able to help his friends translate English to Spanish. From 2001 to 2018, he worked in the restaurant industry where he started as a dishwasher and worked his way to general manager by taking classes offered through the restaurant. In 2018, Felix started working for WCP as a “helper”/painter and through his hard work and dedication he quickly was promoted to his current position as a Project Manager. Felix is a team player and very hardworking. He is truly the unsung hero of our team. For fun, Felix enjoys hiking, reading books, and collecting old and rare coins. He is grateful for this new opportunity and for the new friends he has made. Felix is yet another all-star addition to our stellar team.